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Adler number: phi,527
Translated headword: Phlegon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Tralles,[1] freedman of Augustus Caesar, but some say of Hadrian:[2] historian. He wrote
Olympiads in 16 books. Up to the 229th Olympiad[3] they contain what was done everywhere. And these in 8 books:
Description of Sicily,
On long-lived and marvelous persons,
On the feasts of the Romans 3 books,
On the places in Rome and by what names they are called,
Epitome of Olympic victors in 2 books, and other things.[4]
About this Phlegon, as Philostorgius says,[5] to relate fully in detail what befell with the Jews, while Phlegon and Dio mentioned [these events] briefly and made them an appendix to their own narrative. Since this man does not exhibit at all prudently those who would lead to piety and other virtues, as those others do not either.
Josephus, on the contrary, is like one who fears and takes care not to offend the [sc.pagan] Greeks.[6]
Greek Original:*fle/gwn, *tralliano/s, a)peleu/qeros tou= *sebastou= kai/saros, oi( de\ *)adrianou= fasin: i(storiko/s. e)/grayen *)olumpia/das e)n bibli/ois i#2#: e)/sti de\ me/xri th=s skq# o)lumpia/dos ta\ praxqe/nta pantaxou=: ta\ de\ au)ta\ e)n bibli/ois h#: *)/ekfrasin *sikeli/as, *peri\ makrobi/wn kai\ qauma- si/wn, *peri\ tw=n para\ *(rwmai/ois e(ortw=n bibli/a g#, *peri\ tw=n e)n *(rw/mh| to/pwn kai\ w(=n e)pike/klhntai o)noma/twn, *)epitomh\n o)lumpionikw=n e)n bibli/ois b#, kai\ a)/lla. tou/tou tou= *fle/gontos, w(/s fhsi *filosto/rgios, o(/son ta\ kata\ tou\s *)ioudai/ous sumpeso/nta dia\ plei/onos e)pecelqei=n tou= pla/tous, *fle/gontos kai\ *di/wnos braxe/ws e)pimnhsqe/ntwn kai\ parenqh/khn au)ta\ tou= oi)kei/ou lo/gou poihsame/nwn. e)pei\ tw=n ge ei)s eu)se/beian kai\ th\n a)/llhn a)reth\n e(lko/ntwn ou)d' o(tiou=n ou)d' ou(=tos dei/knutai pefrontikw/s, o(/nper ou)d' e)kei=noi tro/pon. tou)nanti/on me\n ou)=n o( *)iw/shpos kai\ dedoiko/ti e)/oike kai\ eu)laboume/nw| w(s mh\ proskrou/seien *(/ellhsi.
See generally K.S.Sacks in OCD(4) s.v.; FGrH 257.
[1] In the Maeander valley, Asia Minor; Barrington Atlas Map 61 grid F2; present-day Aydin. cf. under
alpha 3424,
chi 525, and (for other citizens of it)
alpha 4113,
pi 2165.
[2] Modern scholarship accepts the latter (as indeed chronology demands: see next note). The Suda's 'Augustus' is perhaps an error; 'Vespasian' has been suggested instead.
[3] 137-140.
[4] cf.
Bibliotheca ch.97.
[5] Besides the incomplete sentence, the name of a third historian is missing. The seventeenth-century scholar Valesius (Henri de Valois) suggested that it should be
Josephus (
iota 503,
iota 504), who would be contrasted with Phlegon and (sc.
Cassius) Dio (
delta 1239). Valesius' second choice was Justus Tiberiensis (
iota 450).
[6] Philostorgius,
Ecclesiastical History 1.1 (p. 5 Bidez-Winkelmann). This excerpt is from the prologue, where apparently Philostorgius is comparing his new genre of church history with the work of earlier historians.
Der Neue Pauly, s.v. 'Phlegon' (with bibliography)
Keywords: athletics; biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; food; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 November 2004@00:55:46.
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