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Adler number: phi,5
Translated headword: Fabricius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Fabricius was appointed commander of the force sent against Pyrrhus; [he was] a man long known to the king and someone who exhibited a palpable token of his greatness of spirit.[1] For when the armies were facing each other, a certain man who was on night watch -- whether a doctor or another of the king's domestic attendants -- came to Fabricius offering to kill Pyrrhus with noxious poisons, if Fabricius would make it financially worth his while. Fabricius loathed the man for the attempt and sent him to Pyrrhus in chains. Pyrrhus was of course astonished at the action and is said to have cried out: "this man is a true Fabricius, whom it is more difficult for someone to turn aside from his native virtue than the sun from its accustomed orbit". Pyrrhus then gambled everything [sc. as if] on a throw of the dice and was beaten.
Greek Original:*fabri/kios: o(/ti *fabri/kios th=s e)pi\ to\n *pu/rron stalei/shs duna/mews a)podei/knutai h(gemw/n: a)nh\r pa/lai e)gnwsme/nos tw=| basilei= kai\ th=s au)tou= megalofrosu/nhs e)narge\s e)cenhnoxw\s su/mbolon. a)ntikaqezome/nwn ga\r a)llh/lois tw=n stratope/dwn, nu/kta fula/cas a)nh/r tis, ei)/te i)atro\s ei)/te e(/teros tw=n peri\ th\n tra/pezan tou= basile/ws tetagme/nwn, w(s to\n *fabri/kion a)fi/keto, dhlhthri/ois farma/kois a)nelei=n to\n *pu/rron u(fista/menos, h)/n oi(/ tis doqei/h pro\s au)tou= xrhma/twn w)fe/leia: o(\n o( *fabri/kios a)postugh/sas th=s e)gxeirh/sews a)pope/mpei tw=| *pu/rrw| de/smion. a)gasqei\s dh\ ou)=n to\ praxqe\n o( *pu/rros a)naboh=sai le/getai: ou(=to/s e)sti kai\ ou)k a)/llos *fabri/kios, o(\n dusxere/steron a)/n tis paratre/yoi th=s oi)kei/as a)reth=s h)\ th=s sunh/qous porei/as to\n h(/lion. o( de\ *pu/rros to\n peri\ tou= panto\s a)narri/yas ku/bon toi=s o(/lois e)sfa/lh.
Copied (with some changes and additions) from
alpha 3566; see also
upsilon 734.
[1] The terminology is drawn from guest-friendship (
xenia), where one party's
symbolon matches the other's.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 August 2012@06:12:21.
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