That is, passing. "So also with the present night waning".[1]
Also [sc. attested is] fqi/menos, [meaning someone] having perished.[2]
*fqime/nhs nukto/s: tou/testi parelqou/shs. w(s kai\ th=s nu=n fqime/nhs nukto/s. kai\ *fqi/menos, fqarei/s.
The headword phrase, extracted from the quotation given, includes the aorist middle participle of
fqi/nw, feminine genitive singular.
Ajax 141 (web address 1), with scholion.
[2] The same participle in the masculine nominative singular, similarly glossed by
Hesychius. (This addendum to the entry is lacking, Adler reports, in mss AF.)
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