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Search results for phi,478 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,478
Translated headword: might outstrip
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] might do before [someone else].[1] "You you know that some who have stripped themselves in the tax offices or been altogether persuaded in the noontime of their lives by some single misfortune are accustomed to philosophize merely by swearing to God in the Platonic manner either to do or not to do something; a shadow might outstrip such men in speaking what is right."[2]
The ancients used to eat acorns before Demeter's fruits had been discovered. From this "eating" [fagei=n] is named.[3]
Greek Original:*fqa/seie: prola/boi. oi)=sqa/ tinas e)n logisthri/ois a)podu/ntas h)\ pa/ntws a)po\ mia=s ge/ tou sumfora=s a)napeisqe/ntas e)n meshmbri/a| tou= bi/ou filosofei=n, a)po\ mo/nou tou= to\n qeo\n a)pomo/sai kai\ katomo/sai *platwnikw=s: ou(\s fqa/seien a)\n h( skia\ fqe/gcasqai/ ti tw=n deo/ntwn. oi( de\ palaioi\ pro\ tou= eu(reqh=nai tou\s *dhmhtriakou\s karpou\s e)balanofa/goun. e)/nqen kai\ to\ fagei=n ei)/rhtai.
[1] The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is aorist optative of
fqa/nw (cf.
phi 475,
phi 479,
phi 480,
phi 486,
phi 487,
phi 488).
Epistles 154 (p.291a), already at
omicroniota 173 and (in part) at
kappa 1085.
[3] For 'Demeter's fruits' cf.
delta 428. For this assertion as a whole -- intrusive in the present context -- cf.
Fragmenta de glossis Homericis fr. 146 (in Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon). The statement seems illogical; but if the acorns are those of the
fhgo/s, there would in fact be an etymological connection with
fagei=n: cf.
phi 260.
Keywords: botany; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; law; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 June 2005@19:14:48.
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