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Adler number: phi,450
Translated headword: Philonides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian, ancient writer of comedy;[1] but previously he was a (?)painter. Amongst his plays was Kothornoi,[2] Apene, Philetairos.
See also under "uneducated [men]."[3]
Greek Original:*filwni/dhs, *)aqhnai=os, kwmiko\s a)rxai=os: pro/teron de\ h)=n grafeu/s. tw=n drama/twn au)tou= h)=n *koqo/rnoi, *)aph/nh, *file/tairos. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)pai/deutoi.
C5 BCE; Kassel-Austin, PCG 7.363-369. See generally K.J. Dover in OCD(4) s.v.
Philonides(1): 'Athenian comic poet, produced
Amphiaraus, and
Frogs; we have three titles of his own plays, and he may be the Phil[-- who won first prize at the City Dionysia c.410 BC.' It is generally believed that
Philonides was one of
Aristophanes' (
alpha 3932) actors, who is said to have committed to him and to Kallistratos his chief characters; an alternative view of the evidence, however, is that several of
Aristophanes' plays were actually produced and staged in the names of Kallistratos and
Philonides. Besides the specialised bibliography below, see the overview of the problem in D.M. MacDowell,
Aristophanes and Athens (Oxford 1995) 34-41.
For his son see already
nu 407.
[1] So literally; but this means, here as sometimes elsewhere in the Suda, writer of Old Comedy.
[2] The play
Kothornoi (
Buskins) was perhaps an attack on Theramenes, whose political fickleness had gained him the well-known epithet Kothornos (
kappa 1909); cf. Bekker,
Anecd. Gr. 100.1.
alpha 2954.
E. Capps, 'Epigraphical Problems in the History of Attic Comedy', American Journal of Philology 28.2 (1907) 179-199
D. Welsh, 'IG II(2) Philonides and Aristophanes' Banqueters', Classical Quarterly n.s. 33 (1983) 51-55
D.M. MacDowell, 'Aristophanes and Kallistratos', Classical Quarterly n.s. 32 (1982) 21-26
Keywords: art history; biography; comedy; daily life; geography; history; poetry; politics; stagecraft
Translated by: Andrea Consogno on 17 April 2007@06:51:00.
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