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Headword: *fi/lwn
Adler number: phi,447
Translated headword: Philo, Philon
Vetting Status: high
Of Byblos.[1] Grammarian. He lived in the time of those near Nero, and survived a long while - at any rate, he says that Severus, surnamed Herennius,[2] was consul when he was 78 years old, in the 220th Olympiad.[3] He wrote On the Purchase and Selection of Books (12 books); On Cities and the Famous People Each of them Produced (30 books); On the Reign of Hadrian (under whom Philo lived); etc.
Philo was consul, surnamed Herennius, as he himself says.[4]
Greek Original:
*fi/lwn, *bu/blios, grammatiko/s. ou(=tos ge/gonen e)pi\ tw=n xro/nwn tw=n e)ggu\s *ne/rwnos kai\ pare/teinen ei)s makro/n: u(/paton gou=n *sebh=ron, to\n *)ere/nnion xrhmati/santa, au)to\s ei)=nai/ fhsin, o(/tan h)=gen h# kai\ o# e)/tos, o)lumpia/di de\ k# kai\ diakosiosth=|. ge/graptai de\ au)tw=| *peri\ kth/sews kai\ e)klogh=s bibli/wn bibli/a ib#, *peri\ po/lewn kai\ ou(\s e(ka/sth au)tw=n e)ndo/cous h)/negke bibli/a l#, *peri\ th=s basilei/as *)adrianou=, e)f' ou(= kai\ h)=n o( *fi/lwn: kai\ a)/lla. o(/ti u(/patos ge/gonen o( *fi/lwn, *)ere/nnios xrhmati/sas, w(s au)to/s fhsi.
AD c.70-c.160. See generally RE Herennios(2); OCD4 Philon(5); FGrH 790.
[1] In Phoenicia; present-day Jubayl in Lebanon.
[2] RE Herennius(45).
[3] AD 101-104.
[4] Incompetently copied to epsilon 2928.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 March 1999@16:29:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@10:33:33.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 12 December 2013@04:42:33.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@10:29:27.


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