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Headword: *filo/xoros
Adler number: phi,441
Translated headword: Philochoros, Philokhoros, Philochorus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Kyknos, Athenian, prophet and diviner; he had as his wife Archestrate. The birth of Philochoros took place in the times of Eratosthenes, as one may realize from the fact that he was a young man to (?)Eratosthenes' old man.[1] He died after being ambushed by Antigonos,[2] because he had been attacked for inclining towards the kingdom of Ptolemy.[3] He wrote 17 books of an Atthis;[4] it contains the Athenians' deeds and kings and archons, as far as Antiochos the last, the one surnamed Theos.[5] It is in response to Demon.[6] [In all, he wrote] On the Art of Prophecy; On Sacrifices (one book); On the Tetrapolis;[7] Foundation of Salamis; Attic Inscriptions; On the Festivals at Athens (17 books);[8] On those who have been [sc. eponymous] archons at Athens[9] from Sokratides as far as Apollodoros;[10] Olympiads (in 2 books);[11] Atthis in Reply to that of Demon; Summary of the same Atthis; Summary of Dionysios' treatment 'On Sacred Matters';[12] On Sophokles' Stories (5 books); On Euripides; On Alkman;[13] On The Mysteries at Athens; Collection of Heroines or Pythagorean Women; Delian Matters (2 books); On Discoveries; On Purifications; On Contracts.[14]
Greek Original:
*filo/xoros, *ku/knou, *)aqhnai=os, ma/ntis kai\ i(erosko/pos: gunh\ de\ h)=n au)tw=| *)arxestra/th. kata\ de\ tou\s xro/nous ge/gonen o( *filo/xoros *)eratosqe/nous, w(s e)pibalei=n presbu/th| ne/on o)/nta *)eratosqe/nei. e)teleu/thse de\ e)nedreuqei\s u(po\ *)antigo/nou, o(/ti dieblh/qh proskeklike/nai th=| *ptolemai/ou basilei/a|. e)/grayen *)atqi/dos bibli/a iz#: perie/xei de\ ta\s *)aqhnai/wn pra/ceis kai\ basilei=s kai\ a)/rxontas, e(/ws *)antio/xou tou= teleutai/ou tou= prosagoreuqe/ntos qeou=: e)/sti de\ pro\s *dh/mwna: *peri\ mantikh=s d#, *peri\ qusiw=n a#, *peri\ th=s *tetrapo/lews, *salami=nos kti/sin, *)epigra/mmata *)attika/, *peri\ tw=n *)aqh/nhsin a)gw/nwn, bibli/a iz#, *peri\ tw=n *)aqh/nhsin a)rca/ntwn a)po\ *swkrati/dou kai\ me/xri *)apollo/dwron, *)olumpia/das e)n bibli/ois b#, *pro\s th\n *dh/mwnos *)atqi/da, *)epitomh\n th=s i)di/as *)atqi/dos, *)epitomh\n th=s *dionusi/ou pragmatei/as peri\ i(erw=n, *peri\ tw=n *sofokle/ous mu/qwn bibli/a e#, *peri\ *eu)ripi/dou, *peri\ *)alkma=nos, *peri\ musthri/wn tw=n *)aqh/nhsi, *sunagwgh\n h(rwi/+dwn h)/toi *puqagorei/wn gunaikw=n, *dhliaka\ bibli/a b#, *peri\ eu(rhma/twn, *peri\ kaqarmw=n, *peri\ sumbo/lwn.
Philochoros (c.340-c.260 BC) was the last of the so-called Atthidographers, writers of a history of Athens; see further below, n.4. Over two hundred fragments of his works survive (FGrH 328). See generally Phillip Harding in OCD4 Philochorus.
This is the only biography of an Attidographer in the Suda.
[1] Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c.285-194), scientist and head of the Alexandrian library: epsilon 2898. But in fact Philochoros was the elder, by far. This second mention of Eratosthenes in the sentence, several scholars have suspected, has displaced another name.
[2] Antigonos II Gonatas, ruler of Macedonia (reigned c.277-239). The striking verb for what he did to Ph. here, 'ambushed', presumably means arrested (and put to death).
[3] Ptolemy II Philadelphos, king of Egypt (283/2-246), who assisted the southern Greeks in the so-called Chremonidean War against the Macedonians in the 260s.
[4] Atthis: later generic name for a body of 5th-3rd-century historiography of Athens and Attica, of which Philochoros was the most renowned exponent. It was usually arranged annalistically, by archon-years.
[5] This is Antiochos II Theos, the Seleukid king of Asia who ruled 261-246; so the lexicographer's 'as far as' means as far as the beginning of Theos's reign. (Note, nevertheless, that 'the last' is odd, given that there were further kings of this name. Jacoby regarded the whole phrase as textually corrupt.)
[6] Demon (floruit c 300 BC) wrote an Atthis (FGrH 327). For a possible fragment of him, Jacoby's F22, see under epsilon 3391.
[7] The (Marathonian) Tetrapolis was an ancient federation of four towns in Attica.
[8] This figure of 17 suspiciously repeats the one for the Atthis (above); Jaocoby removed it.
[9] Here the Suda uses the aorist participle a)/rcantes rather than the more usual present, a)/rxontes, which, acting as a noun, became a technical term for the holders of the highest civic office at Athens; 'archons' in English.
[10] Sokratides was eponymous archon of Athens in 374/3. Apollodoros is the name of several eponymous archons, of whom those of 350/49 and 319/18 are possible subjects for Philochoros.
[11] Olympiads, a four-yearly cycle beginning in (trad.) 776 BC; thus a work on chronology, presumably.
[12] This Dionysios is FGrH 357, attested only here.
[13] An early Spartan poet: see generally alpha 1289.
[14] Though this dossier purports to be complete, other works are mentioned elsewhere, e.g. On Festivals, from which Harpokration quotes. Jacoby lists 27 in all.
F. Jacoby, Atthis (1949)
P.E. Harding, Androtion and the Atthis (1994) 32-34 and passim
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; poetry; politics; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 25 October 2002@03:18:37.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented translation; augmented and modified notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 26 October 2002@10:45:38.
David Whitehead (augmented n.6; more keywords) on 23 January 2008@09:17:38.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 12 December 2013@04:27:30.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 7 August 2014@03:26:38.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 3 November 2014@00:40:08.
Catharine Roth (tweaked betacode) on 3 November 2014@00:42:08.
Catharine Roth (more coding) on 18 January 2015@22:25:00.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; corrected one note, expanded others, added others) on 9 June 2016@04:04:00.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 27 February 2023@11:25:34.


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