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Search results for phi,427 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,427
Translated headword: friendship-cup, loving-cup
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the bowl which is given [sc. to drinkers] in the symposia.[1]
For during the drinking they gave each other a drinking-cup as a sign of affection.
This they used to call a loving-cup; so
Hyperides says,[2] and
Homer [says]: "they pledged each other".[4]
And elsewhere: "let someone fill a loving-cup for this man".[5]
Also [sc. attested is]
filothsi/as,[6] [sc. meaning] the handshakes with the bowl.[7] And
filothsi/an propi/nein[8] is when during a dinner someone drinks only a portion from the bowl that has been given to him and offers the rest to a friend, giving also the bowl away to him.
Greek Original:*filothsi/a: h( fia/lh h( didome/nh e)n toi=s sumposi/ois. e)n ga\r tw=| po/tw| filofronou/menoi a)llh/lous e)pedi/dosan oi)/nou ku/lika. h(\n filothsi/an e)ka/loun: w(s *(uperi/dhs fhsi/, kai\ *)/alecis. kai\ *(/omhros: deide/xat' a)llh/lous. kai\ au)=qis: e)gxei/tw tis tou/tw| filothsi/an. kai\ *filothsi/as, ta\s deciw/seis dia\ th=s fili/as. kai\ *filothsi/an propi/nein e)sti/n, h(ni/ka tis e)n a)ri/stw| a)po\ th=s doqei/shs au)tw=| fia/lhs piw\n me/ros, to\ loipo\n para/sxh| fi/lw|, kai\ th\n fia/lhn xarisa/menos.
For this headword see also
phi 426 and
phi 428; cf. similar entries in ps.-
Zonaras and the
Etymologicum Magnum.
[1] From the
scholia to
Acharnians 985, where the headword occurs (in the accusative case).
Hyperides fr. 274 Jensen.
Alexis frs. 58, 198, 291 Kock (= now 59, 202, 293 Kassel-Austin).
Hyperides and
Alexis are also cited in this way in Harpokration (=
Photius) s.v., in which the source for the word is given as
Demosthenes 'in the speech against
Aeschines', i.e. 19.128 (web address 1).
Iliad 4.4 (web address 2).
[5] Unidentifiable (but cf.
Sophocles fr. 563 Radt).
[6] Accusative plural of the headword.
[7] Read
fia/lhs instead of
fili/as; cf.
Photius s.v.
filothsi/as (glossed as "
ta\s deciw/seis dia\ th=s fia/lhs") and
Hesychius s.v.
filothsi/a (glossed as "
pro/posi/s tis meta\ to\ dei=pnon u(pe\r fili/as"). For 'handshakes' cf.
delta 236.
[8] cf.
pi 2563 and
pi 2564; also in
Praeparatio sophistica s.v.
filothsi/as propi/nein (in the genitive, q.v.) and
Photius s.v.
filothsi/an propi/nein.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; rhetoric
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 15 January 2008@20:14:42.
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