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Adler number: phi,416
Translated headword: philosophy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Philosophy is a correction of character accompanied by an opinion of a true knowledge about what is. Jews and Greeks led it astray.[1]
Philosophy[2] is divided into ethics, theology, physics. And the truest knowledge of the soul also contributes to philosophy as a whole: to ethics, because [it is] impossible that we set in order our own characters if we have not looked upon the faculties of the soul; to theology, because we are investigating about the intellect which is separable in us, since it too [is] immortal, insofar as the intellect is also among the intelligible things; intellect is one of the relatives, and he who knows one of [two] relative things will know the other. [It is] obvious that the theoretical activity of our intellect also contributes great things to theology; and it also contributes to physics, at any rate if it the task of the physicist to discuss about bodies and the forms and faculties themselves, and the most beautiful of the forms in the bodies, [which is] the soul.
Search for another philosophy under [the entry] "potentiality",[3] and another under "because",[4] and another under "school."[5]
Greek Original:*filosofi/a. *filosofi/a e)sti\n h)qw=n kato/rqwsis meta\ do/chs th=s peri\ tou= o)/ntos gnw/sews a)lhqou=s. tau/ths de\ a)pesfa/lhsan *)ioudai=oi kai\ *(/ellhnes. diairei=tai de\ h( filosofi/a ei)s h)qikh/n, qeologikh/n, fusikh/n. kai\ h( a)lhqesta/th gnw=sis th=s yuxh=s pro\s pa=san filosofi/an sumba/lletai. kai\ pro\s me\n th\n h)qikh/n, o(/ti a)du/naton h(ma=s ta\ e(autw=n katakosmh=sai h)/qh, ta\s duna/meis th=s yuxh=s mh\ e)peskemme/nous: pro\s de\ qeologi/an, o(/ti zhtou=men peri\ tou= nou= tou= xwristou= tou= e)n h(mi=n, o(/ti kai\ au)to\s a)qa/natos: e)peidh\ de\ kai\ o( nou=s nohtw=n e)sti: nou=s tw=n pro/s ti e)sti/, tw=n de\ pro/s ti o( to\ e(\n ei)dw\s kai\ to\ e(/teron ei)/setai. dh=lon de/, o(/ti h( qewri/a tou= h(mete/rou nou= kai\ ei)s qeologi/an mega/la sumba/lletai: sumba/lletai de\ h(mi=n kai\ pro\s th\n fusikh/n, ei)/ge fusikou= me/n e)stin e)/rgon to\ peri\ tw=n swma/twn dialexqh=nai kai\ tw=n ei)dw=n au)tw=n kai\ duna/mewn, tw=n de\ e)n sw/masin ei)dw=n to\ ka/lliston, h( yuxh/. zh/tei kai\ e(te/ran filosofi/an e)n tw=| du/namis, kai\ e(te/ran e)n tw=| dio/ti, kai\ e(te/ran e)n tw=| ai(/rhsis.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 17 May 2001@11:11:54.
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