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Headword: *fi/los
Adler number: phi,412
Translated headword: friend
Vetting Status: high
Another self.[1] Of those things that are good and able to be chosen, some are chosen for their own sake, like happiness and as many things as are valuable, and some on account of something else, such as advancing [one's position], gymnastic training, and making a profit. Whatever is chosen is chosen for its own sake or on account of something else: for we choose them both for their own sake and on account of happiness. And we choose health for its own sake, but we choose gymnastic training on account of health: note that health is more worth choosing than gymnastic training. And if we choose a friend as [we choose] ourselves -- if indeed a friend is a second self -- and money for their sake, mark that a friend is more worth choosing than money. And each man [seems] to himself to be worth choosing, so a friend is also. But being awake is also more worth choosing than sleep, if sleep is a means of recovering from being awake: for in order to be able to be awake, we need sleep and relaxation. Thus it would seem that philosophy is more worth choosing than rhetoric.
Greek Original:
*fi/los: e(/teros au)to/s. tw=n d' a)gaqw=n te kai\ ai(retw=n ta\ me\n di' au(ta/ e)stin ai(reta/, w(s h( eu)daimoni/a kai\ o(/sa ti/mia, ta\ de\ di' e(/teron, oi(=on te/mnesqai, gumna/zesqai, xrhmati/zesqai. di' au(ta\ de\ ai(reta\ kai\ di' e(/tera, oi(=on ai( a)retai/: kai\ ga\r di' au)ta\s kai\ dia\ th\n eu)daimoni/an ai(rou/meqa. kai\ th\n me\n u(gi/eian di' au(th\n ai(rou/meqa, to\ de\ gumna/zesqai dia\ th\n u(gi/eian: ai(retw/teron a)/ra h( u(giei/a tou= gumna/zesqai. kai\ ei) to\n me\n fi/lon ai(rou/meqa w(s au(tou/s, ei)/ge o( fi/los e(/teros au)to/s, ta\ de\ xrh/mata di' au)tou/s, ai(retw/teros a)/ra o( fi/los tw=n xrhma/twn: ai(reto\s ga\r e(/kastos au)to\s e(autw=|, w(/ste kai\ fi/los. a)lla\ kai\ u(/pnou e)grh/gorsis ai(retwte/ra, ei) o( u(/pnos e)pi\ th\n e)grh/gorsin e)/xei th\n a)nafora/n: i(/na ga\r dunw/meqa e)grhgore/nai, u(/pnou kai\ a)napau/sews deo/meqa. ou(/tws a)\n deiknu/oito kai\ filosofi/a r(htorikh=s ai(retwte/ra.
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 229.2-18.
cf. generally phi 410, phi 411.
[1] This is Aristotle's characterization of fi/los: "friend is another self" (Nicomachean Ethics 1166a31-32).
Keywords: athletics; definition; economics; ethics; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 October 2000@15:55:14.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Minor alterations; keywords) on 19 October 2000@16:49:26.
Catharine Roth (Altered translation slightly.) on 19 October 2000@17:06:13.
David Whitehead (added notes and keyword) on 16 June 2002@07:29:52.
Marcelo Boeri (Added note.) on 14 July 2003@16:32:58.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 28 November 2005@08:38:46.
David Whitehead on 11 December 2013@08:43:21.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 15 June 2015@00:43:29.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 25 February 2023@18:38:08.


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