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Adler number: phi,4
Translated headword: Favorinus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Arelate (the city in Gaul).[1] A man learned in every branch of study. Physically he was androgynous (what people call a hermaphrodite); full of philosophy, but more inclined to rhetoric. He lived under the Caesar Trajan, and survived until the time of the emperor Hadrian. He had a rivalry and competition with
Plutarch of
Chaeronea in the limitlessness of the books he composed.[2] These are some of the books he wrote:
On Homer's Philosophy;[3]
On Socrates and his Art of Love;
On Plato;[4]
On the Philosophers' Way of Life; etc. He also wrote a collection of maxims.
Greek Original:*fabwri=nos, *)arlea/tou th=s e)n *galli/a| po/lews, a)nh\r polumaqh\s kata\ pa=san paidei/an, gegonw\s de\ th\n tou= sw/matos e(/cin a)ndro/gunos [o(/n fasin e(rmafro/diton], filosofi/as mesto/s, r(htorikh=| de\ ma=llon e)piqe/menos: gegonw\s e)pi\ *trai+anou= tou= kai/saros kai\ paratei/nas me/xri tw=n *)adrianou= xro/nwn tou= basile/ws. a)ntefilotimei=to gou=n kai\ zh=lon ei)=xe pro\s *plou/tarxon to\n *xairwne/a ei)s to\ tw=n suntattome/nwn bibli/wn a)/peiron. ge/graptai gou=n au)tw=| filo/sofa/ te kai\ i(storika/, w(=n polu\s a)riqmo/s. e)/sti de\ kai\ tw=n bibli/wn au)tou= tau=ta: *peri\ th=s *(omh/rou filosofi/as, *peri\ *swkra/tous kai\ th=s kat' au)to\n e)rwtikh=s te/xnhs, *peri\ *pla/twnos, *peri\ th=s diai/ths tw=n filoso/fwn: kai\ a)/lla. ou(=tos e)/graye kai\ gnwmologika/.
A. Barigazzi, Favorino di Arelate. Opere (Florence 1966); 'Favorino di Arelate', ANRW II.34.1 (1993), 556-581.
L. Holford-Strevens, 'Favorinus: The Man of Paradoxes', in J. Barnes and M. Griffin (ed.) Philosophia Togata II (Oxford 1997) 188-217.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; philosophy; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@10:45:41.
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