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Headword: *filokra/ths
Adler number: phi,381
Translated headword: Philokrates, Philocrates
Vetting Status: high
[Philokrates] 'the Sparrower', as if '[the] Melian'. He was a fowler. "If any of you kills Philokrates the Sparrower, he shall receive a talent; but if anyone brings him alive, four; because he strings the finches together and sells them at seven to the obol; next, because he plumps up the thrushes and displays them for sale and degrades them, and inserts their feathers into the nostrils of the blackbirds, and likewise seizes the pigeons and keeps them shut up, and compels them to decoy, fastened in a net."
Greek Original:
*filokra/ths o( *strou/qios, w(/sper *mh/lios. h)=n de\ o)rniqoqh/ras. h)\n a)poktei/nh| tis u(mw=n *filokra/th to\n *strou/qion, lh/yetai ta/lanton: h)\n de\ zw=nta au)to\n a)ga/gh|, te/ssara: o(/ti sunei/rwn tou\s spi/nous pwlei= kaq' e(pta\ tou= o)bolou=. ei)=ta fusw=n ta\s ki/xlas dei/knusi pa=si kai\ lumai/netai, toi=s te koyi/xoisin ei)s ta\s r(i=nas e)gxei= ta\ ptera/, ta\s peristera/s q' o(moi/ws cullabw\n ei)/rcas e)/xei, ka)panagka/zei paleu/ein dedeme/nas e)n diktu/w|.
Aristophanes, Birds 1077-1083 (web address 1), with comment from the fuller scholia to the first line there.
This Philokrates has already been mentioned in line 14 of the play, where he is called a 'board-seller': see pi 1614. Here in the spoof decree he is given a spoof ethnikon, along the lines of 'Diagoras the Melian' just mentioned (1073). In fact Ph. was an Athenian, on orthodox assumptions.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; economics; food; geography; law; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 April 2003@11:09:59.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 19 January 2004@14:42:26.
David Whitehead (typos) on 20 January 2004@03:05:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 9 August 2011@06:22:50.
Catharine Roth (fixed link) on 9 September 2011@01:18:02.
David Whitehead on 11 December 2013@03:55:59.
David Whitehead (another note) on 13 December 2013@03:11:10.


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