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Adler number: phi,364
Translated headword: Philistion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Prusa, or, as Philon [says], of
Sardis;[1] a writer of comedy. He died at the time of Socrates.[2] [It was he] who wrote comedies based on life. He died of interminable laughter. His plays [sc. include]
Mimopsephistai.[3] This is the man who wrote the
Philogelos [Joke-Book], i.e. the book presented to Koureus.[4]
But 'of Nikiaia', rather, is the majority view, as the epigram testifies: "Philistion of
Nikaia, who blended man's miserable life with laughter".[5]
He was related by blood to Philemon, who also lost his life by laughing.[6]
Greek Original:*filisti/wn, *prousaeu/s, h)\ w(s *fi/lwn *sardiano/s, kwmiko/s. teleuta=| de\ e)pi\ *swkra/tous. o(\s e)/graye kwmw|di/as biologika/s. teleuta=| de\ u(po\ ge/lwtos a)pei/rou. dra/mata de\ au)tou= *mimoyhfistai/. ou(=to/s e)stin o( gra/yas to\n *filo/gelwn, h)/goun to\ bibli/on to\ fero/menon ei)s to\n *koure/a. *nikaeu\s de\ ma=llon para\ pa=sin a)/|detai, w(s marturei= to\ e)pi/gramma: o( to\n poluste/nakton a)nqrw/pwn bi/on ge/lwti kera/sas *nikaeu\s *filisti/wn. tou= au)tou= ai(/matos h)=n *filh/moni, o(\s kai\ ou(=tos gelw=n katastre/fei to\n bi/on.
Not to be confused with his homonym (ignored in the Suda) Ph. the doctor, of Epizephyrian
Locri: see OCD(4) s.v.
[1] More probably (than either), of
Nikaia: see below.
[2] Perhaps textually corrupt; if not, far too early. (Ph. was early C1 CE.)
[3] So the transmitted text, on which Adler passes no comment. But LSJ s.v. registers the noun with a Miso- prefix, i.e. not those who copy accountants but those who hate them.
[4] The name is not certain; alternatives are Hermeias and Hierokles.
Greek Anthology 7.155.1-2, attributed to Cleoboulos of
[6] cf.
phi 327.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; definition; geography; medicine; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 October 2005@09:39:23.
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