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Search results for phi,361 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,361
Translated headword: Philiskos, Philiscus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Or Philistos,[1] Syracusan, historian. He was a relative of Dionysios the tyrant of
Sicily[2] and he died in the sea-battle against the Carthaginians.[3] A pupil of Euenos the elegiac poet.[4] He wrote a
History of Sicily; it is an account of their memorable achievements against the Greeks; also a
Concerning Phoenicia, etc.; [and]
Concerning the Island of Sicily.
Greek Original:*fili/skos h)\ *fi/listos, *surakou/sios, i(storiko/s. h)=n de\ suggenh\s *dionusi/ou tou= tura/nnou *sikeli/as kai\ e)n th=| pro\s *karxhdoni/ous naumaxi/a| e)teleu/thse. maqhth\s de\ h)=n *eu)h/nou tou= e)legeiopoiou=. e)/graye *sikelika/: e)/sti de\ ta\ pro\s *(/ellhnas au)toi=s praxqe/nta diafo/rws: kai\ *genealogi/an, *peri\ *foini/khs, kai\ a)/lla tina/: *peri\ th=s nh/sou *sikeli/as.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; military affairs; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 April 2003@10:07:08.
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