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Search results for phi,360 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,360
Translated headword: Philiscus, Philiskos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Miletus. Rhetor. A pupil of the rhetor
Isocrates.[1] Previously he was a most remarkable aulos-player; hence
Isocrates used to call him 'Aulos-borer'. His writings are:
Milesian Speech;
Amphictyonic Speech;
Art of Rhetoric (in 2 books);
Isocrates' Denial.[2]
Greek Original:*fili/skos, *milh/sios, r(h/twr, *)isokra/tous a)kousth\s tou= r(h/toros. e)ge/neto de\ pro/teron au)lhth\s paradoco/tatos: dio\ kai\ *au)lotru/phn *)isokra/ths au)to\n e)ka/lei. ge/graptai de\ au)tw=| ta/de: *milhsiako/s, *)amfiktuoniko/s, *te/xnh r(htorikh\ e)n bibli/ois dusi/n, *)isokra/tous a)po/fasis.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; meter and music; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@10:34:40.
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