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Search results for phi,349 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,349
Translated headword: Philippikos, Philippicus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: General of the armies of the east. This man had Heraclius, the father of the Emperor Heraclius, as lieutenant-general.[1] After Philippikos had been unfortunate in the war and retired, the army was handed to Heraclius. Philippikos was son-in-law of Maurice, through his daughter.[2]
Greek Original:*filippiko/s, strathgo\s tw=n e(w/|wn stratiwtw=n. ou(=tos e)/sxen *(hra/kleion to\n *(hraklei/ou tou= basile/ws pate/ra u(postra/thgon. dustuxh/santos de\ e)n pole/mw| tou= *filippikou= kai\ a)poma/xou genome/nou, o( *(hra/kleios e)gxeiri/zetai to\ o(plitiko/n. h)=n de\ o( *filippiko\s gambro\s *mauriki/ou e)pi\ qugatri/.
cf. Nicephorus,
Breviarum Historicum 7; Cedren. I.692ff; Theoph. Conf. 256ff;
Bibliotheca, 28a.
[1] For this emperor (reigned 610-641), see
eta 465.
[2] For this emperor (reigned 582-602), see
mu 294.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; women
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 1 November 2003@11:51:42.
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