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Adler number: phi,348
Translated headword: Philippikos, Philippicus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [called] Bardanes.[1] He killed the Emperor Justinian[2] and appeared to reign indecently and indifferently; he also anathematized the fathers in the Ecumenical Council, because he did not accept the two wills and two energies of the Saviour, as divinely decreed by them. He found accomplices in John, who was archbishop of the city at the time, and Germanos, bishop of
Kyzikos, and a great many other priests and senators.
Greek Original:*filippiko/s, o( kai\ *barda/nhs, *)ioustiniano\n basile/a a)nelw/n, a)se/mnws kai\ r(a|qu/mws ta\ basi/leia die/pwn e)fai/neto tou/s te e)n th=| oi)koumenikh=| suno/dw| pate/ras a)naqe/mati kaqupe/bale, ta\ par' au)tw=n e)nqe/ws dogmatisqe/nta du/o tou= *swth=ros qelh/mata kai\ e)nergei/as mh\ a)podexo/menos: sullh/ptoras eu(rhkw\s *)iwa/nnhn to\n thnikau=ta th=s po/lews a)rxiere/a kai\ *germano\n to\n *kuzi/kou mhtropoli/thn kai\ e(te/rous i(erei=s kai\ sugklhtikou\s plei/stous.
Breviarum Historicum 48.6-14;
Epitome 242-4.
[1] Philippicus Bardanes (or Vardanes) (711-713 CE):
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry at web address 1.
[2] Justinian II:
iota 447.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 1 November 2003@11:49:03.
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