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Search results for phi,34 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,34
Translated headword: phalanx
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A small spider.[1] Also 'phalanges' is a name they give to the tips of the fingers, as
Aristophanes says in
Frogs: "spiders that whirl with your fingers the loom-stretched threads".[2]
Also a military unit [formed] out of 40(?) men.[3]
"Lucius the consul, who had never seen a phalanx until that occasion in the war against Perseus, often afterwards would confess to certain people in Rome that he had never seen anything more frightening [and dreadful] than a Macedonian phalanx -- and this despite having not only witnessed but also directed as many battles as anyone."[4]
Greek Original:*fa/lagc: a)ra/xnio/n ti. le/gousi de\ fa/laggas kai\ ta\ a)/kra tw=n daktu/lwn, a(/per le/gei *)aristofa/nhs e)n *batra/xois: ei(li/ssete daktu/lois fa/lagges i(sto/tona phni/smata. kai\ stratiwtikh\ ta/cis e)k m# a)ndrw=n. *leu/kios de\ o( u(/patos ou)x e(wrakw\s fa/lagga topara/pan, a)lla\ to/te prw=ton e)pi\ tou= *perse/ws, pro/s tinas polla/kis a)nqwmologei=to tw=n e)n th=| *(rw/mh| mhde\n e(wrake/nai foberw/teron *makedo/nwn fa/laggos: kai/toi ge pollou\s ou) mo/non teqeame/nos, a)lla\ kai\ xeirisa/menos a)gw=nas, ei) kai/ tis a)/llos.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 July 2009@10:03:11.
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