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Headword: *filh/mwn
Adler number: phi,327
Translated headword: Philemon
Vetting Status: high
Of Syracuse,[1] son of Damon; he too [was] also a comedian of the new comedy.[2] He flourished in the reign of Alexander,[3] a little earlier than Menander. He wrote around 70 comedies, and he lived 99 years, though there are those who claim [that figure to be] 101; he died of violent laughter.[4]
Concerning lethal laughter; [the kind] which [it is] fit to call sardonic,[5] as one should not laugh.
Greek Original:
*filh/mwn, *surakou/sios, ui(o\s *da/mwnos, kai\ au)to\s kwmiko\s th=s ne/as kwmw|di/as. h)/kmazen e)pi\ th=s *)aleca/ndrou basilei/as, braxei= *mena/ndrou pro/teros. e)/graye de\ kwmw|di/as pro\s #4#, kai\ e)bi/wsen e)/th #4q#, ei)si\ de\ oi(\ le/gousin a# kai\ r#: e)teleu/thse de\ u(po\ sfodrou= ge/lwtos. peri\ ge/lwtos qanathfo/rou: o(\n a)/cion ei)pei=n sarda/nion, w(s mh\ w)/fele gela/sai.
On Philemon (also phi 328, and cf. phi 329) see generally W.G. Arnott in OCD(4) s.v.; Kassel-Austin, PCG 7.221-317
[1] In Sicily: see generally sigma 1658, cf. sigma 1659.
[2] Other comedians of New Comedy identified as such in the Suda are Anaxippus (alpha 1991), Menander (mu 589) and Philippides (phi 345); for a general account, see Hunter (below). (Here the 'he too' is not self-explanatory, but perhaps it arises from the mention of Aristophanes in phi 326, i.e. Ph. too was a comic poet, [but] of the new comedy.)
[3] A. the Great (336-323): see generally alpha 1121, alpha 1122, alpha 1123.
[4] On death by laughter see also under phi 364 (Philistion). Another famous victim was said to be the Stoic philosopher Chrysippus (Diogenes Laertius 7.185). This was explained as a misinterpretation of death spasms.
[5] As in sigma 123; cf. delta 953 and sigma 124; see also Homer, Odyssey 20.302 (web address 1), the corresponding scholia, and Eustathius ad loc..
Hunter, R.L., The New Comedy of Greece and Rome, Cambridge 1985
Smith, W. (ed.), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London 1875, pp. 263-4
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; geography; medicine; poetry
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 17 January 2008@19:29:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 January 2008@03:10:06.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 January 2008@03:10:42.
David Whitehead on 9 December 2013@08:14:59.
David Whitehead on 6 August 2014@10:50:54.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 26 December 2014@05:44:45.


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