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Search results for phi,30 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,30
Translated headword: phalangarchia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Two merarchiai, [i.e.] 4096 men.[1] Some give this name also to a division of a wing, others to a part [sc. of it]. Long ago, also, it used to be called a strategia and its leader a strategos, but nowadays [sc. he is] a phalangarch.
Greek Original:*falaggarxi/a: ai( du/o merarxi/ai, a)ndrw=n #22d#4#2#. tou=to e)/nioi kai\ a)potomh\n ke/rato/s fasin, oi( de\ me/ros. pa/lai de\ kai\ strathgi/a e)kalei=to kai\ o( h(gou/menos strathgo/s, nu=n de\ falagga/rxhs.
This entry appears again in the
Tactica section of the Suda, after the end of the alphabet.
cf. under
delta 1287.
[1] cf.
mu 626.
Keywords: chronology; definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 November 2010@09:20:56.
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