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Adler number: phi,3
Translated headword: Fabius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [It is noted] that Fabius
Maximus, a Roman consul, who was entrusted with the war against the Samnites at a rather young age, suffered a defeat when he prosecuted the undertaking too boldly and confidently: the Romans lost three thousand men dead and most of their troops disabled. The senate relieved him of the command. But his father (who had the same name as his son), experienced in many earlier campaigns, begged the senate to forgive Fabius his mistakes, promising himself to retrieve his son's defeat with greater deeds. The senate yielding to respect for the man again entrusted the command of the war to the young man, giving him his father as a legate, lest he fail in any way because of inexperience. And when he came into battle he fought bravely and celebrated a triumph.
Greek Original:*fa/bios: o(/ti *fa/bios *ma/cimos, u(/patos *(rwmai/wn, new/teros w)\n kai\ to\n pro\s *samni/tas po/lemon e)gkexeirisme/nos, qrasu/teron h)\ a)sfale/steron tou= e)/rgou prosaya/menos e)sfa/lh, trisxili/wn nekrw=n a)poma/xwn te plei/stwn toi=s *(rwmai/ois gegenhme/nwn. h( de\ boulh\ tou=ton paralu/ei th=s h(gemoni/as. o( de\ tou/tou path\r o(mw/numos tw=| paidi\ pollai=s e)nhqlhkw\s a)ne/kaqen stratei/ais e)dei=to th=s boulh=s a)nei=nai tw=| *fabi/w| ta\ e)gklh/mata, au)to\s a)nama/xesqai to\ tou= paido\s ptai=sma krei/ttosin e)/rgois u(fista/menos. ei)/casa h( boulh\ ai)doi= tou= a)ndro\s e)pitre/pei au)=qis tw=| ne/w| th\n tou= pole/mou h(gemoni/an, presbeuth\n au)tw=| to\n pate/ra dou=sa, w(s a)\n mh/ ti di' a)peiri/an sfa/lloito. kai\ o(\s a)fiko/menos e)s th\n polemi/an a)risteu/ei kai\ qri/ambon kata/gei.
Quintus Fabius
Maximus Rullianus, consul 322 (the year of this alleged episode), 310, 308, 297, 295 BCE. See generally Andrew Drummond in OCD4 p.564.
This Suda entry was tentatively attributed by Adler to John of
Antioch; now his fr.102 Roberto. Compare also Eutropius,
Breviarium 2.8-9.
Keywords: biography; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 May 2002@01:00:55.
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