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Adler number: phi,295
Translated headword: Philagrios, Philagrius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Lycian from Makra,[1] as one finds in Eugenator.[2] But as he himself says in his letter to Philemon about hardening of the liver,[3] Philagrios would be, rather, an Epeirote; doctor, pupil of Nausimachios, of the period after Galen.[4] He did most of his doctoring in
Thessalonike, compiling medical books: 70 single volumes, many other composite works, and commentaries on
Greek Original:*fila/grios, *lu/kios a)po\ *ma/krhs, w(s eu(/rhtai para\ *eu)gena/tori. w(s de\ au)to\s e)n th=| pro\s *filh/mona peri\ h(/patos e)skirrwme/nou e)pistolh=| fhsin, o( *fila/grios ei)/h a)\n ma=llon *)hpeirw/ths, i)atro/s, maqhth\s *naumaxi/ou, toi=s xro/nois meta\ *galhno/n: i)atreu/sas ta\ plei=sta e)n *qessaloni/kh|, sunta/cas bibli/a i)atrika/, mono/bibla me\n o#, sunta/gmata de\ e(/tera ou)k o)li/ga, u(pomnhmatika\ ei)s *(ippokra/thn.
R. Masullo, Filagrio. Frammenti (Naples 1999)
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; medicine
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 July 2009@09:00:39.
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