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Adler number: phi,279
Translated headword: Festus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man around the time of Valens[1] is sent out into Asia as proconsul. He had been entrusted with the imperial [treasure] chest.[2] But he is sent nonetheless, to demonstrate that the poetical and legendary Echetus, and any other such [tyrant] from
Sicily or Thessaly, were gold and a festival.[3] His madness was not external, but inside he was raving and raging, a man wicked by nature possessing power[4], and who had left ferocity in punishments well-esteemed in the palace; he omitted no kind of illegality and licentiousness, but rushed into such an extreme of derangement and slaughters that he even killed
Maximus with a sword,[5] and slew Koiranos the Egyptian on top of him. And while he was still hot and seething with gore, he kept on killing them all together and burning them up.
Greek Original:*fh=stos: ou(=tos peri\ tou\s xro/nous *ou)a/lentos ei)s th\n *)asi/an e)kpe/mpetai a)nqu/patos, th\n de\ basilikh\n glw=ssan e)pepi/steuto. pe/mpetai de\ o(/mws, to\n poihtiko\n kai\ muqw/dh *)/exeton, kai\ ei) dh/ tis a)/llos e)k *sikeli/as h)\ *qettali/as toiou=tos, xruso\n a)podei/cwn kai\ panh/gurin. h)=n de\ h( mani/a ou) qu/raqen, a)ll' e)/ndoqen e)lu/ssa kai\ e)mai/neto, a)nh\r fu/sei ponhro\s kai\ e)cousi/an e)/xwn kai\ th\n e)n tai=s kola/sesin a)grio/thta katalipw\n eu)dokimou=san e)n toi=s basilei/ois, ou)k e)/stin o(/ ti paranomi/as a)pe/leipe kai\ a)selgei/as. a)ll' e)pi\ toso/nde parafora=s e)r- ru/h kai\ fo/nwn, w(/ste kai\ *ma/cimon ci/fei die/fqeire, *koi/ranon *ai)gu/ption e)pisfa/cas au)tw=|. kai\ e)/ti qermo\s w)\n kai\ ze/wn tw=| lu/qrw| pa/ntas sunanh/|rei kai\ kate/flege.
= [
Eunapius] fr.39 FHG (4.29); Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 39.[8]. See generally OCD(4) s.v. on this man: 'historian and senator from Tridentum, [...]
magister memoriae under Valens (c. AD 369) and proconsul of Asia (372-8), when he won notoriety for his execution of the Neoplatonist
Maximus and persecution of intellectuals generally. He wrote the extant
Summary of Roman History (
Breviarium rerum gestarum populi Romani) from the origins to the accession of Valens, to whom it was dedicated'.
[1] See
omicron 764.
[2] See
gamma 301.
[3] See
epsilon 3996. In other words, the time of Echetus and other tyrants was a golden age, compared to that of
Festus. Cf.
kappa 391 (= Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 5.1), on the crimes of Carinus.
[4] See
theta 599.
[5] See
mu 174,
sigma 445,
upsilon 175.
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; mythology; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 November 2011@01:03:06.
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