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Adler number: phi,235
Translated headword: augh!
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An emotional adverb, or a painful groan.[1]
'Augh!' can also express wonderment.
Sophocles [writes]: "augh! augh! How horrible it is to have sense where there is no profit in having sense. I knew these things well but forgot them; otherwise I would not have come here." How horrible it is, he is saying, to have sense, when having sense brings no profit to the one having sense.[2]
"Augh, how largely reigneth everywhere the obol-pair!" Both because of what is said -- that they put two obols on the mouths of corpses -- and becuase the stipend for jury duty was two obols. But it was also three obols: for the sake of laziness the generals added this. "And when he said about the fare, 'how will I be conveyed?' he says, 'in a boat only yea big an old fellow will take you across, after he gets his two-obol pay.'"[3]
Greek Original:*feu=: sxetliastiko\n e)pi/rrhma. h)\ o)dunhro\n oi)mw/ghma. e)/sti de\ kai\ qaumastiko\n to\ feu=. *sofoklh=s: feu=, feu=. fronei=n w(s deino\n e)/nqa mh\ te/lh lu/h| fronou=nti: tau=ta ga\r kalw=s e)gw\ ei)dw\s diw/les': ou) ga\r a)\n deu=r' i(ko/mhn. w(s deino/n, fhsi/, to\ fronei=n, o(/tan to\ fronou/menon tw=| fronou=nti mh\ suntelh=|. feu=, w(s me/ga du/nasqon pantaxou= tw\ du/' o)bolw/. a(/ma dia\ to\ lego/menon, o(/ti toi=s nekroi=s e)pi\ tou= sto/matos ba/llousi du/o o)bolou/s: kai\ o(/ti to\ dikastiko\n misqa/rion du/o o)boloi\ h)=san. h)=n de\ kai\ triw/bolon, blakei/as xa/rin tou=to tw=n strathgw=n prostiqe/ntwn. kai\ peri\ tou= nau/lou ei)po/ntos, pw=s peraiwqh/somai; le/gei: e)n ploiari/w| tunnoutwi/+ s' a)nh\r ge/rwn dia/cei, du/' o)bolw\ misqo\n labw/n.
On this word (the old-fashioned rendering of which is 'alas!') see generally LSJ s.v.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius phi127 Theodoridis.
Oedipus Tyrannus 216-18, with comment from the
scholia there.
Frogs 141, with comment from the
scholia there; cf.
beta 317,
omicron 8,
tau 1171.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; history; law; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 13 February 2003@21:36:23.
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