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Search results for phi,226 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,226
Translated headword: bearing, carrying, conveying
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] taking.[1] "[...] of this very man, bearing the entire responsibility for the war."[2]
Also [sc. attested is]
fe/rontai ["they succeed"], meaning they are victorious.[3] "And the rich men succeed for the most part; and having collected and bound up to 700 of the common folk they lead [them away]".[4]
Also [sc. attested is]
fero/menos ["reported to be"][5]: "[...] a man reported to be of Thracian stock, whose name was
Diogenes; but in matters of war the best compared to any whatever, in charge of a detachment of cavalry."[6]
Greek Original:*ferome/nou: lamba/nontos. th\n ai)ti/an pa=san tou= pole/mou tou/tou tou= a)ndro\s ferome/nou. kai\ *fe/rontai, a)nti\ tou= nikw=si. kai\ fe/rontai oi( plou/sioi to\ ple/on: sullabo/ntes de\ tw=n dhmotw=n ei)s y# dh/santes a)/gousi. kai\ *fero/menos: a)nh\r ge/nos me\n fero/menos *qra/|kion, w(=| o)/noma *dioge/nhs h)=n: ta\ de\ pole/mia par' o(ntinou=n kra/tistos, te/lous i(ppikou= protetagme/nos.
The headword (presumably extracted from the first quotation given) is the present middle/passive participle, masculine (and neuter) genitive singular, of the verb
I bear, carry, bring, convey; see generally LSJ s.v. and cf. this same headword + gloss combination, but with present active participles, at
phi 222.
[1] The gloss is the present active participle, masculine (and neuter) genitive singular, of the verb
I take, receive; see generally LSJ s.v.
[2] Quotation not identified by Adler but identifiable via the TLG as an approximation of
Cassius Dio 8.36.8 (cf.
Epitome historiarum 2.167.7-8), on the pivotal role of the Samnite (OCD(4) s.v. Samnium; Barrington Atlas map 44 grids F2-G2) noble and military leader Gaius Papius Mutilus (OCD(4) s.v. Papius) during the Social War (also
Italic or
Marsic, 91-87 BCE; OCD(4) s.v. Social Wars); Last and Gardner, pp. 185 ff. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that mss FV omit
pa=san (
[3] This secondary lemma is the present indicative passive, third person plural, of the verb
fe/rw (see primary note above), which in this context appears to have the connotation of
I succeed; see generally LSJ s.v.
Aelian fr. 51 Hercher (54a Domingo-Forasté, p. 48); cf. Hercher, p. 7. The fragment is unplaced. [Adler notes that from
sullabo/ntes (
by their having brought) up to the end of the passage is omitted by ms F.]
[5] The last lemma embedded in the body of the passage is the present middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the headword verb (see primary note above).
[6] Quotation unidentifiable. [Adler reports that ms G transmits the alternative spelling
o(ntinaou=n (cf.
pi 694) and that mss AV transmit
H. Last and R. Gardner, 'The Enfranchisement of Italy,' pp. 158-210, in S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth, eds., The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. IX, The Roman Republic 133-44 B.C., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962
D. Domingo-Forasté, ed., Clavdii Aeliani: Epistvlae et Fragmenta, Stuttgart and Leipzig: Teubner, 1994
R. Hercher, 'Hr. Hercher las über einige Fragmente bei Suidas,' in Monatsbericht der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, January 1875, pp. 1-8
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; zoology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 24 July 2011@22:45:24.
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