[Meaning] to receive/take.[1]
Aristophanes in
Acharnians:[2] "you sent us to the Great King, bearing a salary of [two][3] drakhmai a day."
Menander in
Olynthia:[4] "bearing four obols a day with
Aristoteles."[5] And
misthophoros ['pay-bearer', i.e. mercenary] [comes] from this.
Also [sc. attested is]
e)/feron ["I/they bore"], [used] intransitively [in sense "come"].
"One must bear [
pherein] well what comes [
pheron] from god."[6] That is, one must bear nobly what is sent by god.
And elsewhere: "they were carrying off each other no less."[7]
Meaning they were robbing, harming [sc. each other] a great deal.[8]
*fe/rein: lamba/nein. *)aristofa/nhs *)axarneu=sin: e)pe/myeq' h(ma=s w(s basile/a to\n me/gan, misqo\n fe/rontas ou) draxma\s th=s h(me/ras. *me/nandros *)olunqi/a|: met' *)aristote/lous ga\r te/ttaras th=s h(me/ras o)bolou\s fe/rwn. kai\ o( misqofo/ros a)po\ tou/tou. kai\ *)/eferon, ou)dete/rws. to\ fe/ron e)k qeou= kalw=s fe/rein xrh/. toute/sti to\ e)k qeou= pemfqe\n gennai/ws fe/rein xrh/. kai\ au)=qis: e)/feron a)llh/lous ou)x h(=tton. a)nti\ tou= li/an e)lh/|steuon, e)/blapton.
A miscellaneous collection of usages of the verb
fe/rw that are not obviously related to its central meaning "carry". The first two of the four examples are taken from
Lexicon phi115 Theodoridis s.v.
[1] cf.
phi 226.
Acharnians 65-6; the speaker is the leader of the embassy, reporting back to
Athens on its mission (which has lasted eleven years).
ou), which makes no sense, is a corruption of
du/o, the reading of all the Aristophanic mss.
Menander fr. 258 Kassel-Austin.
[5] Possibly on a naval expedition against
Lemnos, sent out (with disastrous results) under this admiral by
Demetrius of Phalerum (on the instructions of Cassander) in 314/3 BCE; see
Diodorus Siculus 19.68.3-4.
Oedipus at Colonus 1694, as transmitted; cf.
tau 847 and
Appendix Proverbiorum 4.98. The strophic responsion, however, shows that the sentence has been expanded by the incorporation of glosses, and editors of
Sophocles either obelize or emend; thus H. Lloyd-Jones and N.G. Wilson (Oxford, 1990) read
to\ qeou= kalw=s fe/rein.
[7] A misquotation from
Thucydides 1.7-8: in the writer's memory part of the last sentence of 1.7 ("they [i.e. peoples who lived by piracy]
robbed both
each other and others who lived near the coast but were not seafarers") has become mingled with the first sentence of 1.8 ("and the islanders, who were Carians and Phoenicians, were
no less piratical"), and he has also written
h(=sson "less" in the un-Thucydidean Attic form
[8] From the
scholia to this passage of
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