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Search results for phi,214 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,214
Translated headword: Pherekydes, Pherecydes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Babys; a Syrian; Syra[1] is one of the Cyclades islands, near to
Delos. He lived in the time of Alyattes, king of [the] Lydians,[2] thus contemporary with the Seven Sages, and was born in about the forty-fifth Olympiad.[3] There is a story that
Pythagoras[4] was taught by him, but that he had no instructor and instead trained himself after acquiring the secret books of the Phoenicians. Some record that he was the first to publish a composition in prose (although others attribute this to Kadmos of Miletos)[5] and that he introduced the first account of the migration of souls. He was jealous of the reputation of
Thales[6] and died from an infestation of lice. This is a complete list of what he wrote:
Seven Gulfs or
Divine Mixture or
Birth of the Gods. There is also a
Story of the Gods in ten books, containing the birth and successors[7] of the gods.
Greek Original:*fereku/dhs, *ba/buos, *su/rios: e)/sti de\ nh=sos mi/a tw=n *kukla/dwn h( *su/ra, plhsi/on *dh/lou. ge/gone de\ kata\ to\n *ludw=n basile/a *)alua/tthn, w(s sugxronei=n toi=s z# sofoi=s: kai\ tete/xqai peri\ th\n me# *)olumpia/da. didaxqh=nai de\ u(p' au)tou= *puqago/ran lo/gos: au)to\n de\ ou)k e)sxhke/nai kaqhghth/n, a)ll' e(auto\n a)skh=sai, kthsa/menon ta\ *foini/kwn a)po/krufa bibli/a. prw=ton de\ suggrafh\n e)cenegkei=n pezw=| lo/gw| tine\s i(storou=sin, e(te/rwn tou=to ei)s *ka/dmon to\n *milh/sion fero/ntwn, kai\ prw=ton to\n peri\ th=s metemyuxw/sews lo/gon ei)shgh/sasqai. e)zhlotu/pei de\ th\n *qa/lhtos do/can. kai\ teleuta=| u(po\ plh/qous fqeirw=n. e)/sti de\ a(/panta a(\ sune/graye, tau=ta: *(epta/muxos h)/toi *qeokrasi/a h)\ *qeogoni/a. e)/sti de\ qeologi/a e)n bibli/ois de/ka, e)/xousa qew=n ge/nesin kai\ diado/xous.
OCD(4) s.v.
Pherecydes(1); FGrH 3 T1. See also
phi 216 and
phi 217 (
Pherekydes of
Athens and
Pherekydes of
Leros) There is much confusion between the three in the sources: see Jacoby ad loc., as well as Schibli, Toye and Fowler, for differing opinions.
[1] More usually, then as now, called
Syros; Barrington Atlas map 57 grid C4.
alpha 1423.
[3] 600-597; Jacoby emends to 'forty-ninth' (584-581), citing
Diogenes Laertius 1.121.
pi 3120, etc.
kappa 22, etc.
theta 17, etc.
[7] Or, by a likely emendation proposed by Preller, 'successions' (
diadoxa/s vs.
H.S. Schibli, Pherekydes of Syros (Oxford, 1990)
D.L.S. Toye, Pherekydes (Diss: Univ. of California Santa Barbara, 1991)
R.L. Fowler, "The Authors Named Pherecydes." Mnemosyne 52 (1997) 1-15
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; medicine; mythology; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 February 2001@15:40:34.
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