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Search results for phi,189 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,189
Translated headword: rockies
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] stony places suitable for grazing goats, as
Isaeus [says].[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
*felleu/s, a largely harsh and rocky place.
Aristophanes [writes]: "so when [you will drive] the goats out of Phelleus, like your father, leather-jerkined".[2] Phelleus [was] a rough place, of this name, in Attica. Goats tend towards the rougher and more mountainous [terrain]. From this, Dorians call pumice rocks "phelletai". And [there is] a certain festival of Dionysos called Phellos. And elsewhere [
Aristophanes writes]: "the Thracian girl of Strymodoros stealing [wood] out of the phelleus".[3]
Greek Original:*felle/a: ta\ petrw/dh kai\ ai)gi/bota xwri/a, w(s *)isai=os. kai\ *felleu/s, sklhro\s posw=s kai\ petrw/dhs to/pos. *)aristofa/nhs: o(/tan me\n ou)=n ta\s ai)=gas e)k tou= *felle/ws, w(/sper o( path/r sou difqe/ran e)nhmme/nos. *felleu\s to/pos th=s *)attikh=s ou(/tw kalou/menos traxu/s. ai( de\ ai)=ges pro\s ta\ traxu/tera kai\ o)reino/tera dia/gousin. a)po\ tou/tou de\ felle/tas le/gousi *dwriei=s tou\s kisshrw/deis li/qous. kai\ e(orth/ tis peri\ to\n *dio/nuson, *fello\s kalou/menos. kai\ au)=qis: th\n *strumodw/rou *qra=|ttan e)k tou= felle/ws kle/ptousan.
Expanded from Harpokration s.v. See also
phi 190. Despite what is suggested here, it is far from certain that the headword was a proper (topographical) name.
Isaeus 8.42 (web address 1).
Clouds 71-2 (web address 2), with comment from the
scholia there.
Acharnians 272-3 (web address 3); cf.
theta 464,
phi 190.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; religion; rhetoric; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 December 2000@04:27:47.
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