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Headword: *febroua/rios
Adler number: phi,184
Translated headword: Februarius, February
Vetting Status: high
The month is so called from a certain consul who was ethnically a Gaul; for when Camillus led the triumphal procession arising from [sc. the defeat of] the Tyrants,[1] Februarius in jealousy cried out on the rostrum that it was not Camillus who had been responsible for the victory, but the fortune of the Romans. He [Februarius] also fabricated writings and false testimony against him [Camillus], [claiming] that he was pursuing tyranny. Consequently he [Februarius] stirred the people up against him [Camillus] and expelled him from the city. So after the capture of Rome[2] he [Camillus] returned and destroyed the barbarians who accompanied Brennus. Bringing the case to court he proved that Februarius had been responsible for everything that was done. And for this reason when he [Februarius] had been stripped of his garments and clothed with a rush sack by those called vernaculi[3] who served the tribune, he [Camillus] chased him, being beaten with cords, out of the city and shortened the month named for him in comparison to the other [months].
Greek Original:
*febroua/rios: ou(/tw kalei=tai o( mh\n a)po/ tinos u(pa/tou ge/nous u(pa/rxontos tw=n *ga/llwn: h(ni/ka ga\r to\n qri/ambon to\n a)po\ tw=n *tura/nnwn kath/gagen o( *ka/millos, zhlotuph/sas o( *febroua/rios e)pi\ tou= bh/matos e)bo/a mh\ gegone/nai to\n *ka/millon ai)/tion th=s ni/khs, a)lla\ th\n tu/xhn *(rwmai/wn. sune/platte de\ kai\ gra/mmata kai\ yeudomarturi/as kat' au)tou=, w(s turanni/da meletw=ntos. e)nteu=qen de\ to\n dh=mon e)panasth/sas a)pelau/nei tou=ton th=s po/lews. w(s ou)=n meta\ th\n a(/lwsin th=s *(rw/mhs e)panh=lqe kai\ tou\s peri\ to\n *brh/nnon barba/rous a)nei=len, ei)s kri/sin a)gagw\n th\n u(po/qesin a)pe/deice pa/ntwn gegone/nai tw=n pepragme/nwn ai)/tion to\n *febroua/rion. kai\ dia\ tou=to gumnwqe/nta au)to\n th=s e)sqh=tos kai\ qrui/+nh| periblhqe/nta yia/qw| u(po\ tw=n u(phretou/ntwn tw=| dhma/rxw| tw=n kaloume/nwn berna/klwn tupto/menon neu/rois th=s po/lews a)pedi/wce kai\ to\n e)pw/numon au)tou= mh=na para\ tou\s a)/llous e)kolo/bwse.
Küster attributed this passage to John of Antioch; now his fr.90 Roberto.
cf. the Planudean Excerpts of Cassius Dio (Exc. Plan. 10, Cass. D. I p.CXVI).
For small parts of the passage see already beta 536 and theta 517. For Camillus see generally kappa 283.
The month of February -- not part of the original Roman calendar -- is not in fact named for a person; rather, it means the month of expiation, februa. See also pi 1324.
[1] Adler praises (but nevertheless did not adopt) the reading of the Basel edition (1543): *turrhnw=n "Etruscans" (cf. tau 348 and tau 1187 for the same confusion).
[2] By the Gauls in 390 BCE.
[3] Slave attendants.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; clothing; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 December 2010@01:49:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 8 December 2010@03:26:18.
David Whitehead on 5 December 2013@05:19:02.
David Whitehead (expanded a note) on 6 April 2014@06:44:34.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 6 April 2014@11:18:40.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 30 January 2015@03:32:43.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 26 October 2022@17:52:05.


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