Suda On Line
Search results for phi,180 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,180
Translated headword: gray, grey
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Menippos the Cynic reached such a peak of audacity in wonder-working as to assume the guise of a Fury, saying that he had come from the underworld as an inspector of sins and, after descending again, would report them to the spirits there. This was his attire: a gray tunic reaching to the feet, with a crimson girdle round it, and an Ardican[1] cap on his head which had the 12 signs [of the zodiac] woven into it; footwear appropriate to a tragedy; an enormous beard; an ashen staff in his hand.
Greek Original:*faio/s: *me/nippos o( *kuniko\s e)pi\ tosou=ton teratei/as h)/lasen w(s *)erinnu/os a)nalabei=n sxh=ma, le/gwn e)pi/skopos a)fi=xqai tw=n a(martanome/nwn e)c a(/|dou kai\ pa/lin katiw\n a)pagge/llein tau=ta toi=s e)kei= dai/mosin. h)=n de\ h( e)sqh\s au(/th faio\s xitw\n podh/rhs, peri\ au)tw=| zw/nh foinikh=, kai\ pi=los *)ardiko\s e)pi\ th=s kefalh=s, e)/xwn e)nufasme/na ta\ ib# stoixei=a, e)mba/tai tragikoi/, pw/gwn u(permege/qhs, r(a/bdos e)n th=| xeiri\ meli/nh.
An approximation of
Diogenes Laertius 6.102. This material occurs there in the biography of Menedemos (
mu 598), which follows that of Menippos; however, Relihan 194 points out that the Suda's attribution is probably the correct one, given that this is the Menippos who features in Lucian as a traveller to Hades.
For Furies see
epsilon 2994,
epsilon 2995.
[1] Thus as transmitted, but it should be Arkadian.
J.C. Relihan, 'Vainglorious Menippus in Lucian's Dialogues of the Dead', Illinois Classical Studies 12.1 (1987) 185-226. Online access at web address 1.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; clothing; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 April 2006@10:48:11.
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