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Search results for phi,16 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,16
Translated headword: shining
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] bright, [referring to the] sun.
Sophocles [writes]: "where now are the thunderbolts of Zeus, or where the shining sun, if they observe these things and quietly hide them away?" [1] That is, [if] they do not bring to light the transgression.
Homer: "for the shining sun did not stand over the earth."[2] The Poet shows that the universe is spheroid.
Greek Original:*fae/qwn: la/mpwn, h(/lios. *sofoklh=s: pou= pote keraunoi\ *dio/s, h)\ pou= fae/qwn h)e/lios, ei) tau=t' e)forw=ntes kru/ptousin e(/khloi; oi(=on ou)k a)/gousin e)s fw=s th\n paranomi/an. kai\ *(/omhros: ou)/te ga\r h)e/lios fae/qwn u(pere/sxeqe gai/hs. dei/knusi de\ o( *poihth\s sfairoeidh= ei)=nai to\n ko/smon.
Electra 823-6 (web address 1 below), followed by comment from the
scholia to 826; cf.
kappa 1380.
Iliad 11.735 (followed by comment from the
scholia vetera there). The Suda mistakenly gives
ou)/te, "not", for
eu)=te, "when" found in the
Iliad and the
scholia. See web address 2 below for the text.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; epic; imagery; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 March 2001@13:24:05.
Vetted by:
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