*fa/tores: *)aristofa/nhs: fusa/tw pa/ppous pa=r' h(mi=n kai\ fanou=ntai fa/tores.
(Entry lacking, according to Adler, in mss AV.)
The unglossed headword, a nominative plural, is unattested outside the Suda, and the translation of it given here is speculative. The entry is probably drawn (as Adler notes) from
phi 869, where the same passage of
Aristophanes (see n. 1 below) is quoted with the same mistake, a mistake which yields the current headword.
[1] A misquotation of
Birds 765 (web address 1), which in place of the current headword
fa/tores has
fra/teres ("phratry-men"). The same passage is also quoted, without this error, in
kappa 352.
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