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Headword: *fa/shlis
Adler number: phi,121
Translated headword: Phaselis
Vetting Status: high
Name of an island.[1] Also [sc. attested is] Phaselite, [meaning] someone from the same island.[2]
And [there is] a proverb, 'Phaselites' sacrifice', used in reference to cheap and bloodless ones; for Callimachus in Customs of the Non-Greeks says that Phaselites offer a salt fish to Kalabros.[3]
"Roast three choinikes of kidney-beans [phaseloi], wife".[4]
Greek Original:
*fa/shlis: o)/noma nh/sou. kai\ *fashli/ths, o( a)po\ th=s au)th=s nh/sou. kai\ paroimi/a: *fashlitw=n qu=ma, e)pi\ tw=n eu)telw=n kai\ a)nai/mwn ti/qetai: *fashli/tas ga\r ta/rixon tw=| *kalabrw=| qu/ein fhsi\ *kalli/maxos e)n *barbarikoi=s nomi/mois. a)/feue tw=n fashlw=n, w)= gu/nai, trei=s xoi/nikas.
[1] Not quite: a city on the east-facing coast of Lycia; Barrington Atlas map 65 grid E4; present-day Tekirova in Turkey. (See also theta 138, theta 139, kappa 1620, sigma 364, sigma 1336.) Stephanus of Byzantium s.v. singles out Herodian for the assertion that Ph. was an island.
[2] See e.g. theta 138, theta 139.
[3] = Photius, Lexicon phi78 Theodoridis (taken to come from Pausanias the Atticist); cf. Zenobius 6.36, etc. Callimachus: fr. 405 Pfeiffer. Other versions give the name as Kolabros or, and very probably correctly, Kylabras (as Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 7.297E-F = 7.51 Kaibel). The words 'and bloodless', not in all versions, are dubious.
[4] Aristophanes, Peace 1144; cf. alpha 4593 and web address 1.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; geography; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 November 2003@06:35:56.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, link, status) on 11 January 2004@19:27:16.
David Whitehead (x-refs) on 12 January 2004@03:13:14.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 9 August 2011@05:05:43.
David Whitehead on 4 December 2013@07:44:14.
David Whitehead on 30 May 2016@10:22:18.


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