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Search results for phi,117 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,117
Translated headword: pharynx, throat
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Most people write [fa/rugc, genitive] fa/ruggos.[1]
Pharynx:[2] when it is spoken in the feminine, means properly the pharynx; it is the wide opening at the base of the tongue; but when masculine, it means frequently the throat. The larynx is the extremity of the arterial windpipe, which is surrounded by the three cartilages, the one called arytenoid[3] and the thyroid[4] and the unnamed one; these when squeezed and dilated by the muscles there regulate the voice. For by such compression and dilation of these, the voice is more or less modulated according to both high and low pitch, and, if so, a change in its shape is observed.
Greek Original:*fa/rugc, fa/ruggos gra/fousin oi( polloi/. *fa/rugc: o(/te me\n qhlukw=s le/getai, shmai/nei th\n kuri/ws fa/rugga: h( de/ e)stin h( a)xani/a h( meta\ th\n th=s glw/tths r(i/zan: o(/te de\ a)rsenikw=s, shmai/nei polla/kis to\n la/rugga. e)/sti de\ o( la/rugc to\ e)/sxaton th=s traxei/as a)rthri/as, o(/per u(po\ tw=n triw=n xo/ndrwn perie/xetai, tou= te a)rutainoeidou=s kaloume/nou kai\ tou= quroeidou=s kai\ tou= a)nwnu/mou, oi(/tines sustello/menoi kai\ diastello/menoi u(po\ tw=n e)kei= muw=n th\n fwnh\n r(uqmi/zousin. u(po\ ga\r th=s toia=sde tou/twn a)nastolh=s kai\ diastolh=s h)\ ma=llon h)\ h(=tton ei)dopoiei=tai h( fwnh\ kata/ te to\ o)cu\ kai\ to\ baru/, kai\ ei)/ ti a)/llo ei)=dos peri\ au)th\n qewrei=tai.
[1] i.e. as opposed to
la/ruggos; cf. already
lambda 132 and
phi 91 (end). See LSJ entry at web address 1. LSJ s.v.
la/rugc notes that larynx and pharynx are confused in poetry.
[2] What follows -- the main body of the entry -- derives from John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 381.22-31 Hayduck.
[3] Literally, "in the shape of an
a)ru/taina", which is a small ewer; cf.
alpha 4065,
alpha 4066. The word is still our medical term.
[4] Again, still familiar medical terminology nowadays; meaning originally "in the shape of a door".
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; philosophy; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Yannick Muller on 4 June 2011@08:47:42.
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