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Search results for omicroniota,96 in Adler number:
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Headword: *oi)/mhsen
Adler number: omicroniota,96
Translated headword: swooped
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] attacked.[1] Also [sc. attested are] "swoopings" [oi)/mata], [meaning] attacks.[2]
Greek Original:
*oi)/mhsen: w(/rmhse. kai\ oi)/mata, o(rmh/mata.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius omicron109 Theodoridis.
[1] From the scholia to Homer, Iliad 22.140, where the headword appears (of a hawk, in a simile).
[2] From the scholia to Homer, Iliad 21.252, where this cognate neuter noun appears (of an eagle, also in a simile).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; imagery; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 21 May 2004@05:26:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (betacoding and other cosmetics; another keyword) on 21 May 2004@07:18:44.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 11 August 2011@07:30:49.
David Whitehead (another note) on 7 August 2013@05:03:12.
Catharine Roth (another keyword) on 22 March 2021@23:04:46.


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