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Search results for omicroniota,94 in Adler number:
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Headword: *oi( me\n ga\r ou)k e)/t' ei)si/n, oi( d' o)/ntes kakoi/
Adler number: omicroniota,94
Translated headword: for some are no longer alive and those that are are bad
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial saying] in reference to things sought-after because they are scarce. Aristophanes in Frogs brings Dionysus on stage; he wants to descend into Hades to search for Euripides, and he says 'I am in need of a clever poet'; and he adds 'for some are no longer alive and those that are are bad'.
Greek Original:
*oi( me\n ga\r ou)k e)/t' ei)si/n, oi( d' o)/ntes kakoi/: e)pi\ tw=n dia\ spa/nin e)pizhtoume/nwn. *)aristofa/nhs *batra/xois ei)sa/gei to\n *dio/nuson *eu)ripi/dhn ei)s a(/|dou e)pizhtou=nta katie/nai bou/lesqai, le/gonta, de/omai poihtou= deciou=: to\n de\ fa/nai, oi( me\n ga\r ou)k e)/t' ei)si/n, oi( d' o)/ntes kakoi/.
The headword phrase is Aristophanes, Frogs 72, itself (as the scholia there note) a quotation (Euripides fr.565.2, from the Oineus). For the paroemiographers see Gregorius 3.22a, etc.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; mythology; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 15 December 2002@08:46:05.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 16 August 2003@22:20:34.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 17 August 2003@05:50:08.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2013@04:58:49.


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