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Search results for omicroniota,68 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,68
Translated headword: Assyrian buildings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Dismissing from their minds [Assyrian buildings] and lavish public works, rulers must rule; for the ruler is to be blamed who enjoys comely buildings."
Greek Original:*oi)kodomh/mata *)assu/ria kai\ dapanhra\s leitourgi/as xai/rein e)a/santas. xrh\ tou\s a)/rxontas a)/rxein: yekte/os ga\r o( a)/rxwn o( xai/rwn oi)kodomh/masin eu)prepe/sin.
Oration 3.92a, with
scholia. See also
psi 40, where the punctuation is better.
Keywords: architecture; ethics; geography; law; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 22 June 2003@21:50:12.
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