"[I know I know your mind;] stop stop the speech." -- "Even if you were to beat me, I would not dispute you [sc. that you are Heracles]."
*oi)=d', oi)=da to\n nou=n: pau=e, pau=e tou= lo/gou. ka)\n ei)/ me tu/pth|s, ou)k a)ntei/poimi/ soi.
This entry is not of the headword + gloss type but simply gives two discontinuous lines from
Frogs. 580, first, is spoken by Xanthias the slave, who has figured out what is on the mind of the god Dionysus, whose cowardly character he knows; the entry then skips to 585, part of a speech of Dionysus where the god makes ridiculous promises if only Xanthias will save him by assuming his disguise as Heracles.
The modal particle
a)\n, necessary here with the optative, is omitted in the entry after
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