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Search results for omicroniota,3 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,3
Translated headword: (h)oi
Vetting Status: high
Translation: With a circumflex accent meaning "for oneself,"[1] but with an acute accent [meaning] "these."[2] [An example from
Symposium: "[he said that] a certain one of the domestic servants met him at once . . ."[3] Also [sc. attested is]
ou(=, meaning "of him."[4] [An example from
Republic: "except himself."[5]
Appian [writes]: "since [he was suffering] misfortune too great for his skill and indeed beyond the aid [to be obtained] from mortal allies [...]."[6]
Greek Original:*oi(=: perispwme/nws a)nti\ tou= e(autw=|, o)cuto/nws de\ to\ ou(=toi. *sumpo/sion: oi(= me\n ga\r eu)qu\s pai=da/ tina tw=n e)/ndon a)panth/santa. kai\ ou(=, a)nti\ tou= au)tou=. *politei/as: plh\n ou(=. *)appiano/s: e)pei\ de\ h)=n oi( to\ kako\n te/xnhs krei=tton kai\ me/ntoi kai\ e)pikouri/as th=s e)k qnhtw=n summa/xwn dunatw/teron.
The first paragraph of this entry follows
Lexicon omicron59 Theodoridis.
[1] cf.
upsilon 621.
[2] The first is the dative singular of the indirect reflexive pronoun (cf.
omicroniota 4); the second is the masculine nominative plural of the pronoun
o(/s, used in earlier Greek as a demonstrative but later mostly restricted to use as a relative pronoun. As an indirect reflexive,
oi( would be enclitic except when it is in an emphatic position.
Symposium 174E (web address 1).
[4] Genitive singular of the indefinite relative pronoun.
Republic 10.617E (web address 2).
[6] Appian [fr. 8] Mendelssohn, but also part of
Aelian fr. 44c Domingo-Forasté, 41 Hercher (on the ailing Nicanor); cf. C. de Boor (reference below).
C. de Boor, "Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung I." Byzantinische Zeitschrift 21 (1912) 419
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 February 2002@16:22:21.
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