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Search results for omicroniota,192 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,192
Translated headword: goes off
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] journeys.[1] Also [sc. attested is] "I will go off" [oi)xh/somai], [meaning] I will journey.
Greek Original:*oi)/xetai: poreu/etai. kai\ *oi)xh/somai, poreu/somai.
Same or similar entries in other lexica; references at
Photius omicron167 and omicron168 Theodoridis. The primary headword is reckoned to be quoted from
Iliad 11.288 (cf. the
scholia there), although there are other possibilities; the secondary one occurs too frequently to determine its source.
cf. generally
omicroniota 194,
omega 281.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 June 2004@23:29:53.
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