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Search results for omicroniota,161 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,161
Translated headword: they were thinking [something] an omen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they were being deterred as if by an evil omen.[1] "The youth hated him and thought him an [ill] omen, but the older men embraced him and praised him."[2]
And elsewhere: "[...] with the omens more auspicious and a more secure preparation to renew prosecution of the war."[3]
And elsewhere: "[...] when all expecting Aemilius to take omens, thinking [him] marching out, seeing [him] marching in."[4]
Greek Original:*oi)wni/zonto: a)petre/ponto w(s kakw=| oi)wnw=|. to\n de\ h( me\n neo/ths e)mi/soun te kai\ oi)wni/zonto, oi( de\ presbu/teroi kathspa/zonto kai\ e)ph/|noun. kai\ au)=qis: cu\n ai)siwte/rois toi=s oi)wnoi=s kai\ paraskeuh=| bebaiote/ra| au)=qis a(/yasqai tou= pole/mou. kai\ au)=qis: o(/te pa/ntas oi)wni/zesqai prosdoca/zontas to\n *ai)mi/lion e)kporeuo/menon dokei=n o(ra=n ei)sporeuo/menon.
[1] cf.
omicroniota 160,
omicroniota 162. The present headword is presumably extracted from the first quotation given.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable. Attributed to
Aelian by Valckenaer, to
Cassius Dio by Mai, adducing Livy 8.12 on T.Manlius Torquatus (
tau 791):
cui venienti seniores tantum obviam exisse constat, iuventutem et tunc et omni vita deinde aversatam eum exsecratamque. Oddly, the phrase "the youth hated him and thought him an (ill) omen" appears in Gregorius 3.70 as if a proverb.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
[4] Quotation (regarded by Kuster as textually corrupt) unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 June 2005@01:38:31.
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