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Search results for omicroniota,148 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicroniota,148
Translated headword: Oion, Oeum
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There are two demes in Attica [sc. with this name], said in the neuter.[1] They say that they are so called because the place[s] never had habitation, but were isolated; for the ancients used to call isolation "oion".[2] There is Oion Kerameikon of the tribe Leontis, [3] and Oion Dekeleikon of Hippothontis.[4] The demesman from either used to be called "from-Oion". But others were the so-called "from-Oe", as stated before.[5]
Greek Original:*oi)=on: dh=moi ei)si\n e)n th=| *)attikh=| dittoi/, ou)dete/rws lego/menoi. kalei=sqai de/ fasin au)tou\s ou(/tws dia\ to\ mhdamw=s oi)khto\n to/pon e)/xein, a)lla\ memonw=sqai: to\ ga\r mo/non oi)=on e)ka/loun oi( a)rxai=oi. e)/sti de\ to\ me\n *kerameiko\n *oi)=on th=s *leonti/dos fulh=s, to\ de\ *dekeleiko\n *oi)=on th=s *(ippoqownti/dos. oi( de\ dhmo/tai e(kate/rwqen e)le/gonto e)c *oi)/ou. a)/lloi de\ h)=san oi( lego/menoi *oi)h=qen, w(s proei/rhtai.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Isaeus fr. 116 Sauppe (and citing
Philochorus FGrH 328 F29 for the etymology given).
[1] See generally J.S. Traill,
The Political Organization of Attica (Princeton 1975) 124.
[2] Cf.
omicroniota 151,
omicroniota 152.
[3] Traill,
Organization 44; D. Whitehead,
The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) index s.v.
[4] Traill,
Organization 52; Whitehead,
Demes index s.v.
[5] See
omicroniota 44.
Keywords: aetiology; constitution; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 September 2000@11:22:37.
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