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Search results for omicroniota,136 in Adler number:
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Headword: *oi)/nou piei=n
Adler number: omicroniota,136
Translated headword: to drink of wine
Vetting Status: high
"Those of the doctors who came forward were urging [someone?] to drink of wine; for, trusting in their craft, they were maintaining that in this depends whether man is in good health or not."[1]
"For could you find anything more useful than wine?" In the Homeric [phrase]: "when a man is weary with toil, wine will greatly increase his force". Herodotus says the Persians rule in accordance to this model: if they introduce any proposal when sober, they deliberate about it drunk; but if they introduce [it] drunk, this they confirm when sober.[2]
"Of wine, he said, I drink as much as I pour to the sun." [This] says Poros, king of the Indians.[3]
Greek Original:
*oi)/nou piei=n. oi( prosio/ntes tw=n i)atrw=n e)ke/leuon oi)=non piei=n: to\ ga/r toi sesw=sqai h)\ mh\ to\n a)/nqrwpon, e)n tou/tw| e)/faskon a)/ra e)kei=noi th=| te/xnh| pi/sunoi. oi)/nou ga\r eu(/rois a)/n ti praktikw/teron; para\ to\ *(omhriko/n: a)ndri\ de\ kekmhw=ti me/nos me/ga oi)=nos a)e/cei. *(hro/dotos de\ le/gei *pe/rsas tou=ton kratei=n to\n tu/pon: ei) me\n ou)=n ei)shgh/sainto/ tina nh/fontes, bouleu/esqai peri\ tou/tou e)n me/qh|: ei) de\ ei)shgh/sainto e)n me/qh|, tou=to kurou=n nh/fontas. oi)/nou, e)/fh, tosou=ton pi/nw, o(/son tw=| h(li/w| spe/ndw. o( *pw=ro/s fhsin, o( *)indw=n basileu/s.
[1] Aelian fr. 182a Domingo-Forasté (179 Hercher).
[2] Aristophanes, Knights 91 (cf. epsiloniota 262), with scholion; in the course of the latter, Homer, Iliad 6.621 is quoted and Herodotus 1.133 cited.
[3] Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 2.26; cf. pi 2180.
Keywords: biography; comedy; epic; food; geography; historiography; medicine; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Michiel Cock on 11 July 2005@03:11:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified aspects of translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 11 July 2005@04:32:35.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 1, coding) on 9 October 2012@01:36:59.
David Whitehead on 7 August 2013@06:39:16.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 26 March 2021@00:54:23.


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