[Oinoe] and Oinaian:[1] [sc. Oinoe is] a deme of the [sc. Athenian tribe] Hippothontis near
Eleutherai,[2] but [sc. note also] the [Oinoe] of the [tribe] Aiantis near
Marathon.[3] From each of the demes, the deme of the Oinaian.[4]
*oi)no/h kai\ *oi)ne/ws: dh=mos th=s *(ippoqownti/dos pro\s *)eleuqe/rais, o( de\ th=s *ai)anti/dos, pro\s *maraqw=na. a)f' e(kate/rou de\ tw=n dh/mwn o( dh=mos th=s *oi)ne/ws.
See also
omicroniota 121
[1] A debased version of the equivalent entry in Harpokration s.v.
*oi)no/h kai\ *oi)nai=os, commenting on
Hyperides fr. 31 Jensen; see further below, n.4.
[2] Present-day Myopolis. See generally J.S. Traill,
The Political Organization of Attica (Princeton 1975) 52, and again
Demos and Trittys (Toronto 1986) 137; D.Whitehead,
The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) index s.v.
[3] Present-day Ninoi. See generally Traill,
Political Organization 53; Whitehead,
Demes index s.v.
[4] That is, when ungarbled: from each of the demes the demesman is called an Oinaian.
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