*)ofe/llwsin: au)ch/swsin.
The headword is the aorist subjunctive active, third person plural, of the verb
o)fe/llw, which is an epic, Aeolic, and archaic form of
o)fei/lw (
I ought, owe, exalt, have to account, am obliged to); see generally LSJ s.v., and cf.
omega 268,
omega 273,
omega 994, and
omega 995. It is extracted from
Iliad 1.510 (web address 1), its first attestation, where Thetis asks Zeus to ensure that the Achaeans 'advance' (= increase) her son Achilles in honor; see Cunliffe, p. 307.
[1] The gloss, which follows the scholion (= D
scholia) to the aforementioned Homeric passage, is the aorist subjunctive active, third person plural, of the verb
I increase, augment, gratify; see LSJ s.v.,
Apion and
Hesychius s.v.
o)fe/llein, ps.-Herodian 104, and
Etymologicum Magnum 643.55. Adler also notes that the lemma is identically glossed at
Lexicon Ambrosianum 676.
R.J. Cunliffe, A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963
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