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Search results for omicron,994 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,994
Translated headword: you ought
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['You ought'] and I/they ought:[1] would that,
maka/ri, with optative sense.[2]
But the [word] 'makari' among the uneducated [is] an optative interjection; meaning "would that!" and "o that!"[3] Except that these are not indicative of person, while the [sc. construction with]
o)/felon indicates person.[4]
"O that my ways may be established to keep thy statutes."[5]
Demetrius took control of Libya] once Ophellas the despot of Cyrene[6] had been done away with by a trick at the instigation of
Agathocles from
Sicily, [and]
Leonidas was appointed to the Greek command by
Greek Original:*)/ofeles kai\ *)/ofelon: ei)/qe, maka/ri, eu)ktikw=s. to\ de\ maka/ri tw=n a)paideu/twn eu)ktiko\n e)pi/rrhma: a)nti\ tou= ei)/qe kai\ a)ei/qe. plh\n o(/ti tau=ta me\n a)pare/mfata prosw/pwn e)sti/, to\ de\ o)/felon pro/swpa e)mfai/nei. o)/felon kateuqunqei/hsan ai( o(doi/ mou, tou= fula/casqai ta\ dikaiw/mata/ sou. o(/ti *)ofe/lla tou= *kurhnai/ou duna/stou pro\s *)agaqokle/ous kata\ *sikeli/an a)naireqe/ntos do/lw|, *lewni/dhs e)pi\ th=s *(ellhnikh=s a)rxh=s kate/sth u(po\ *ptolemai/ou.
The primary headword is the aorist indicative active, second person singular, of the verb
o)fei/lw (
I ought, owe, have to account, am obliged); see generally LSJ s.v., and cf.
omega 268,
omega 273, and
omega 995.
[1] Aorist indicative active, first person singular and third person plural, of the headword verb.
[2] For these glossing words, see
alphaiota 113,
mu 53, and the same or similar entries in other lexica:
Hesychius omicron1955b, the
Etymologicum Magnum 643.50,
Lexica Segueriana 322.32,
Photius omicron707 Theodoridis. (Adler also cites the
Ambrosian Lexicon (681) and the
Lexicon de Spiritu, L.C. Valckenaer, ed.)
[3] More commonly an adverb, but
e)pi/rrhma may also be an interjection (Dickey, p. 127); cf.
Hesychius s.v.
ai)/qe. According to Rustam Shukurov,
maka/ri is a borrowing from Pahlavi
[4] A grammatical point already made at
alphaiota 136.
Psalms 188.5
LXX; cf. ps.-Herodian,
Partitiones 270.16. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that mss AV omitted this line.]
[6] A Greek colony in north
Africa (Barrington Atlas map 38 grid C1; present-day Shahhat in Libya).
[7] Unrelated to the rest of the entry, except perhaps for the resemblance of the proper name
Ophellas to the headword, this extract appears already at
delta 431, which describes the exploits of Demetrios I Poliorcetes (336-283; OCD(4) s.v.
Demetrius(4)) of Macedonia. Ophellas (OCD(4) s.v.) was assassinated by his fellow general
Agathocles (OCD(4) s.v.) sometime around 309. [Adler notes that ms A omitted this part of the entry and that ms V marginalized it.]
E. Dickey, Ancient Greek Scholarship, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
R. Shukurov, "The Byzantine Concepts of Iran: Cultural Memory and Its Reactualization," Identity and the Other in Byzantium: Papers from the Fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium (Istanbul 23-25 June 2016), 153.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; religion
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 15 September 2010@03:36:32.
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