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Search results for omicron,975 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,975
Translated headword: this one here
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] this fellow.
One uses ou(tosi/ instead of a noun; the iota is a suffix.[1]
But ou(/tws ["thus, so"] [is used] adverbially, and ou(twsi/ [is used] instead of ou(/tws.[2]
"So foolishly so will I throw away." Meaning at random, for the sake of nothing.
Greek Original:*ou(tosi/: ou(=tos o( a)/nqrwpos. a)nti\ o)no/matos ke/xrhtai tw=| ou(tosi/, to\ de\ i e)pe/ktasis. *ou(/tws de\ e)pirrhmatikw=s, kai\ *ou(twsi/, a)nti\ tou= ou(/tws. ou(/tws a)noh/tws ou(/tws e)kbalw=. a)nti\ tou= w(s e)/tuxen, e)k tou= mhdeno/s.
[1] Similar notes in other lexica.
[2] cf.
Hesychius omicron1908.
Ecclesiazusae 751 (web address 1), with scholion; quoted more accurately at
omicron 805.
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Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 July 2010@00:54:57.
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