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Search results for omicron,974 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,974
Translated headword: indeed not
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning truly not. While he was being tested by the Lord,
David said: 'the three penalties are restrictive for me on all sides; however I will fall into the hands of the Lord.' And he chose death, and 70 thousands died from dawn until the hour of breakfast.
David also said: 'It is I the shepherd who have done ill, not the sheep'. Meaning in no way.
Greek Original:*ou)/toi: a)nti\ tou= ou) mh/n. *dabi\d ei)=pen u(po\ kuri/ou peirazo/menos: stena/ moi pa/ntoqen ta\ tri/a e)piti/mia: plh\n e)mpesou=mai ei)s xei=ras kuri/ou. kai\ e)cele/cato to\n qa/naton, kai\ a)pe/qanon a)po\ prwi/+qen me/xri w(/ras a)ri/stou xilia/des o#. kai\ ei)=pe *dabi/d: e)gw/ ei)mi o( poimh\n o( kakopoih/sas, ou)/toi ta\ pro/bata. a)nti\ tou= ou)damw=s.
Between the opening and closing glosses this entry reproduces material from
delta 94, q.v. There (and in
2 Kingdoms 17), the key word towards the end of it is not the present headword
ou)/toi but the differently-aspirated (and -accented)
ou(=toi, 'these'.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 2 July 2003@08:30:43.
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