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Headword: *ou)si/a fanera\ kai\ a)fanh/s
Adler number: omicron,964
Translated headword: property visible and invisible
Vetting Status: high
Lysias in the [speech] For Pherenikos says: "for if Androkleides left [sc. at his death] fields or other visible property, it would have been possible for anyone who wanted to say: I tell no lie: it was given to me."[1] Concerning silver and gold and invisible property [it is] clear that whoever appears to have them is he to whom they have been given.
Greek Original:
*ou)si/a fanera\ kai\ a)fanh/s: *lusi/as e)n tw=| u(pe\r *fereni/kou le/gei: ei) me\n ga\r a)grou\s kate/lipen *)androklei/dhs h)\ a)/llhn fanera\n ou)si/an, e)ch=n a)\n ei)pei=n tw=| boulome/nw|, o(/ti ou)de\n me\n yeu/detai, au(tw=| de\ de/dotai: peri\ a)rguri/ou kai\ xrusi/ou kai\ a)fanou=s ou)si/as dh=lon o(/ti o(/s tis e)/xwn au)ta\ fai/netai, tou/tw| de/dwken.
cf. alpha 4552.
[1] Lysias fr. 234 Sauppe, now 287 Carey OCT.
E.E. Cohen, Athenian Economy and Society (Princeton 1992) 191-4, with bibliography
Keywords: daily life; definition; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 October 2001@08:16:15.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 8 February 2004@02:02:18.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 8 February 2004@05:18:07.
David Whitehead (updating) on 2 August 2013@04:24:50.


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