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Adler number: omicron,963
Translated headword: dike ousias, property suit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those [sc. in classical
Athens] litigating about lands or houses, against their possessors, used to bring a property suit as their second case; the first was
enoikiou in the case of houses,
karpou for lands; and a third [option], additionally, was ejectment.[1] And it was permitted to the defendants to control their possessions even if they lost the suit
karpou or
enoikiou and the second suit, the property suit, as well; but if they were convicted of ejectment they were no longer permitted control but had to surrender their possessions to their opponents.
Greek Original:*ou)si/as di/kh: oi( dikazo/menoi peri\ xwri/wn h)\ oi)kiw=n pro\s tou\s e)/xontas, ou)si/as e)dika/zonto th\n deute/ran di/khn. h( de\ prote/ra h)=n tw=n me\n oi)kiw=n e)noiki/ou, tw=n de\ xwrw=n karpou=, tri/th de\ e)pi\ tou/twn e)cou/lhs. kai\ e)ch=n toi=s e(lou=si kratei=n tw=n kthma/twn, kai\ th\n di/khn tou= karpou= h)\ tou= e)noiki/ou, h)\ kai\ th\n deute/ran h(tthqei=en th\n th=s ou)si/as: ei) de\ kai\ e)cou/lhs a(loi=en, ou)ke/ti e)ch=n kratei=n, a)ll' e)ci/stasqai h)/dh tw=n kthma/twn e)/dei toi=s katadikasame/nois.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@10:25:15.
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